I received a call last night from the Partnership Specialist, LGBT Communities of the US Census Bureau. We will be having more info getting out to you over the coming months of the importance of our reporting. In the meantime, please read the article below for a little insight. Thanks.
When the U.S. Census Bureau counts same-sex married couples next year, demographers expect hundreds of thousands to report they are spouses — even though legal same-sex weddings in the United States number in the tens of thousands.
Gay advocates say they plan to use "A Census that Reflects America’s Population," as the Census Bureau calls its plan to report same-sex marriage statistics, to push for legislative and policy initiatives, while groups opposed to same-sex marriage weigh a counteroffensive. READ MORE
**Update: Matt, the census specialist will be stopping by the PFLAG Rememberance Ceremony tonight in Visalia to give us all a little more info. Stick around afterwards to get informed. This is just another great reason to come out tonight and get involved with YOUR community. See you tonight, don’t forget your canned goods!