Funny Top 10

 Top 10 things heterosexuals need to know about gay people:

10 – We didn’t invent disco music so stop blaming us.

09 – We’re not sure about Ricky Martin either.

08 – We also didn’t invent the color black, but we are in complete agreement that you look better in it.

07 – We are secretly glad Anne Heche is back on your team. She scares us.

06 – Our so-called "gaydar" does not get us more cable stations or better reception.

05 – We think your mini-vans are sooooo cute!

04 – David Crosby was not Melissa Etheridge’s only choice.

03 – If he’s using two or more hair products at any one time — yes, he is.

02 – If she’s won Wimbledon sixteen times, she is too.

the number one thing that heterosexuals need to know about gay people is…

01 – Relax, we don’t want you!


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