Becoming Chaz


I’m excited and can’t wait to check this out! Chaz Bono premiered his documentary this weekend at the Sundance Film Festival. He reveals “I’ve hated my body since puberty”, “I just knew I wanted to be a boy”. He also shares that he would go to sleep as a little girl and “pray that I would wake up a boy”. The documentary covers his decision to transition and the journey into becoming comfortably him. It highlights his adjustment to hormones, his breast removal “top” surgery and even his contemplation on genital reassignment. I’m sure this took much courage for him to share but I think will draw great attention to an often overlooked area in our community. Perhaps some may even find their own courage, strength and inspiration to become who they want to be or who they feel, should have been. 

The Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) picked up the rights and will be premiering Becoming Chaz in May. I think it’s absolutely fabulous that something so raw, real and emotional will be aired for the world to see. I’m sure we can ALL learn something from his experience. Perhaps we can have a viewing party somewhere? I’ll let you all know as time gets closer. Regardless of how and when you see it, just do. I’m sure the 88 minutes will be heart wrenching, celebratory and enlightening, all jumbled together!


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