Derby social update

I just wanted to thank everyone who came out last night for the Dinner & Derby social. I met a lot of new people and had a wonderful time. A special thanks to Donald who was the only man brave enough to come out and mingle with 13 lesbians and one undecided (you know who you are). Under different circumstances that would have been every man’s dream. I just hope it wasn’t too much of a nightmare for you!
So, I had never watched roller derby before. It was fun! Once I understood the rules and how the teams scored it was more enjoyable. I must say I was a little disappointed because there weren’t any brawls, one can only hope for next time (bad Brooke). The V-Town Derby Dames will hold their next bout on October 10th for those of you who will not be in DC or SF. They will be competing against Fresno which should make for a nice local match. Doors open at 6:00 and the bout starts at 7:00. I hear the after party can get a little crazy so you can participate in that as well. All in all we had a good time and will definitely go again. We might even have one of our "own" trying out for the team, all the more reason to get involved!
Stay tuned for many more social events to come. Don’t forget Family Fest is October 4th, maybe I can get some of the Derby Dames to come out to mingle. Hint, hint. Wink, wink


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