Fresno Rainbow Pride is This Saturday, June 5th

Well, here
we are. The 20th Annual Fresno Rainbow Pride Parade &
takes place this coming Saturday, June

The Paradestarts at 10am on the corner of Palm
& Olive. The assembly
area is the dirt lot on the northeastern corner of Palm & Olive. The
"Grandstand" is at Irene’s Cafe. The Parade ends at Olive &
Maroa. Olive Ave will be closed to
traffic between 9am and 11am.
There is no charge to watch the

The Festival begins
at 11am and ends at 3pm
, along the streets of Fulton and Alhambra.
The entrance/exit is on Olive at Fulton. Entrance charge for the Festival is $5 per person. THERE IS NO
"MVP" ENTRANCE THIS YEAR! If you have our wristband or badge, proceed
to main gate without waiting in line!


Vendors need to be on site
between 7am and 9am to set up their booths. After 9am it will NOT be possible
to get into the site with a vehicle.

Click HERE to
visit the official website for this year’s Pride event to answer any other

GAY CENTRAL VALLEY will have a float entry in the Parade this
year. We’ll also be operating 3 booths at the Festival, including a lounge
booth where you can hang out and relax. We have several silent auction items,
lots of new items for purchase, and an entirely new line of DOG TAGS. We’ll have
information about how to get involved with Gay Central Valley as well as info
on our LGBT Community Art Project which is already
in the works and which you can be a part of. Plus we’ll have news about our TNT FIREWORKS STAND which will be
open for business starting on June 28th on
the NE Corner of Palm and Olive
in the Tower District. Gay
Central Valley’s stand will be the only LGBT
Fireworks Stand
in Fresno.

We urge everyone to come out and support the
20th Annual Fresno Rainbow Pride Parade & Festival. Afterward, watch for a
barrage of videos and photos from the day’s events on our websites.


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