I am trying to start a new social club here in Visalia. We plan on meeting every Saturday at 6:00 pm at the Borders. We are going to meet and discuss books, write, vacation, travel, family…etc. We also plan on taking field trips based on what the group is interested in doing.
We will be a group of people who come from many backgrounds and want to keep discrimination out. This will be a group that keeps the drama out. I don’t want to have to bounce anyone out…lol.
Families are welcome, don’t feel like you can’t bring the kids. We will be doing activities that are free or close to free so we don’t go broke.
Tonight’s Discussion:
* Introductions
* Brain storming for ideas the group can do for upcoming gatherings
* Writing–for those of you interested 2 pages are dDue tonight. Poetry, Prose, Short stories, beginnings of a book, etc.. We will be sharing our writing and getting feed back from other members. So, bring something you don’t mind other people reading.
* Coming up with next weeks agenda and a place to meet if Borders isn’t good for anyone. We can move it closer to those who come further than others to change it up to make it easier on everyone.