Visalia Pride Lions present “Heart of a Lion” award

On June 20, 2015, I was honored to receive the Visalia Pride Lions “Heart of a Lion” award for 2015.  Presented at the luncheon to recognize their 5th anniversary,  the award came as a complete surprise.  I had not been aware that I had been under consideration for the award, and when Slade Childers began talking about me, I was speechless.  

After Slade introduced me with a nice bio, I was asked to come forward and was presented with the plaque you see above.  














You’d think a blogger would have had more to say, but apparently I need a keyboard to be articulate, at least to say more than “10-4” and “copy traffic”!  All I could say was that “nobody told me this was happening”, and “thank you”.  

I am honored and thankful to the VIsalia Pride Lions for this recognition.  I will treasure this award, and you can be certain it will be displayed in my home with pride.


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